Thank you for your interest in writing for the CILJ Blog. Please complete the form below and upload your article as a Word document (.docx).
Blog Posts may be submitted at any time and are considered on a rolling basis. Submissions should not exceed 1,500 words and can be on any issues of international law, including EU law. Please do not submit unrevised university projects, or pieces under consideration elsewhere to the Blog directly. Please include hyperlinks to all sources in your submissions, without footnotes, unless crediting research support.
In 2023/24 we will be working on a turnaround time of 10 days from submission to taking a decision on whether to publish. However, over the holiday seasons the turnaround time will be longer and we will endeavour to get back to authors as soon as possible.
Please send any queries to the CILJ Blog Managing Editor (
The Editorial Board of the Cambridge International Law Journal is pleased to invite submissions for Volume 13(1), to be published in June 2024.
The Journal accepts the following types of submissions that engage with current themes in international law:
- Articles between 6,000 and 12,000 words including footnotes;
- Case Notes, including substantive analysis, not exceeding 3,000 words including footnotes; and
- Book Reviews on recently published works not exceeding 2,500 words including footnotes. Those interested in submitting a book review are kindly requested to send first a short (250–500 words) book review proposal to
Submissions are subject to double-blind peer review. The Journal’s Editorial Board reviews all pieces, and select articles are sent to the Academic Review Board, which consists of distinguished international law scholars and practitioners.
Submission information
Submissions for Volume 13(1) must be received through the online Submittable platform by 11:59 pm (BST) on Friday, 27 October 2023.
Please list the word count of the text and the footnotes on your manuscript.
All copies must be submitted in Word (.doc) or (.docx) format and must conform to our style guidelines, which are available at the following links:
- OSCOLA Fourth edition: - OSCOLA: Citing International Law Sources:
For full submission instructions, please visit
We also accept submissions for the CILJ Blog on a rolling basis. Blog articles may be submitted at any time here.
Further information can be obtained from the Editors-in-Chief at